Termite Control | Rat Control | Pest Control Malaysia
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General Pest Control


  • Three main pest types : Brown Rat (or Sewer Rat), Roof rat and the House Mouse.
  • Given ideal conditions, one pair of rodents can give rise to about 2,000 off springs in one year.
  • Highly agile, a young mouse can enter the building through a gap 1cm square with ease.
  • When sharpening their chisel-like front teeth, they will gnaw through plastic pipe, insulation and electrical writings.


  • They are disease-carrying pests which live and breed in highly unhygienic conditions.
  • eg. sewers and garbage dumps, and are a threat to our health.
  • Due to weak bladders, they urinate freely while feeding-thus contaminating food / utensils / surfaces that they move across on.

Treatment Method

Rodents Control

  • Rodenticite anti coagulating baiting at a strategic position, i.e along rats runway. However, whenever necessary, traps and glue-boards will be deployed. Baiting station will be rechecked and replenished. Trapped or dead rats found will be removed and affected areas disinfected.

Rats & Mice Control

They are disease-carrying pests which live and breed in highly unhygienic conditions such as sewers and garbage dumps, and are a treat  to our health.

Rodent Baiting Station


  • Ants are social insects like termites and hornets, embracing some 5,000 species and sub-species.
  • Most ants belong to Caste system consisting of Queen, King, Reproductive, Soldier and Worker.
  • They come in all shades of black, brown, yellow and red are nearly blind depending on the Sensory cells on their antennae for touch and taste.
  • Ants are easily identified by their elbowed antennae and thin-wasted body (the petiole separating the thorax from the abdomen)
  • In  relation to their size, ants incredibly strong (each can lift a load 40 times its body weight) and they are the ancestral enemies of termites.


  • Some species can sting painfully while others have strong biting mouthparts that can easily cut open human skin.
  • They feed of variety of food, in fact anything edible including septic dressings, soiled linen and excrement, thus posing a health risk.
  • Their small size enable them to penetrate food packages, causing damage are contamination.
  • In the garden, ants steel seeds from flower-bed and feed of germinating seeds which can be really frustrating to those with ‘green fingers’.

Ants  Control

They feed on a variety of food. In fact anything edible including septic dressings, soiled linen and excrement, thus posing a health risk.

Treatment Method

Ants Control – 

  • Spraying will be carried out in the compound cracks and crevices, skirting boards, refuse collection areas, sewage and drainage systems. Baiting will carry out when necessary.


  • The most common flies are:
    – House Fly (Musca Domestica)
    – Flesh Fly (Boettcherisca peregrina)
    – Fruit Fly (Drosophila spp)
    – Hump-backed Fly (Megasalia Scalaris)
    – Sewage Fly (Psychoda spp)
  • Because of the filthy, unhygienic places they breed in, the very presences of flies gives for concern.
  • An adult Housefly can cover a distance of 5km at a top speed 6km per hour and  beat its wings 200 times per second.
  • The life cycle of the Housefly takes only 2 weeks to complete and the adult female can live for about 2 months.


  • Flies spread-disease causing organisms (pathogens) by:
    – Carrying them on the mouthparts, body hairs and sticky fee pads.
    – Vomiting and faeces onto food.
  • Some common diseases carried by flies are cholera, dysentery, myiasis and typhoid.
  • Flesh fly larvae burrow into and infest human flesh through open wounds, causing myiasis.

Flies Control

Flies spread disease-causing organism (pathogen) by carrying them on their mouthparts, body hairs and sticky fee pads.

Treatment Method

Fly Control –

  • Spraying or fogging of all potential breeding grounds and harbourages for immediate extermination. Baiting will carry out when necessary.
  • Eco friendly fly catcher unit with glueboard.


  • They breed in stagnant water within one week.
  • Depending on the species, they can be active both in the day (diurnal) and at night (nocturnal). Despite their deceivingly frail apprearance, they can fly a few kilometers.
  • Mosquitoes  seek their prey by the exhaled carbon dioxide and warmth of our bodies.
  • To draw blood, they penetrate through our skin layers using their proboscis before finally striking a blood vessel. To prevent the blood from clotting, an anti-coagulant is injected into the blood vessel, thus producing the red spot and itch.


They carry diseases which can cause death if untreated, such as:

  • Malaria (Anopheles Mosquito)
  • Dengue Haermorrhagic (Aedes Mosquito)
  • Japanese B Encephalitis (Culex Mosquito)

Treatment Method

Mosquito Control:

  • Spraying or fogging of all potential breeding grounds and harbourages for immediate extermination/eradication of adult mosquitoes. Other potential breeding grounds will be sprayed and oiled respectively.
  • Eco friendly Mosquito Trap unit with carbon dioxide.

Mosquitoes  Control

They carry diseases which can cause death if untreated, such as Malaria, Dengue Haemorrhage Fever and Japanese B Encephalitis.


  • Bed Bugs are adverse to light and therefore, they often hide inside cracks and crevices during daytime. They are nocturnal insects and become active during midnight until just before dawn. This pest takes blood as their main meal and their obtain it by piercing into the blood vessels and taking the fluid. Human are the preferred hose for the bed bugs and they tend to feet on bare skin while the host sleeping. Therefore they normally stay near to the host and prefer materials such as wood and paper for refuge.
  • Places that are commonly infested including pictures frames, wooden furniture, door and window frames, power switches, curtains, baseboard, etc. The bed bugs’ foraging activity radius is usually within 30m. There are efficient hitchhikers and are easily transported. Consequently, the dispersion of bed bugs relies heavily on transportation, such as the train, airplane, boat, bus as well as movement of human or goods.


Although there is no concrete evidence to show that this bug is a vector of serious disease, it is the biting during feeding that could cause allergic reaction, swelling and irritation.

Some people may lose sleep due to entomophobia (fear of “bug).

The main clues of an infestation will be the presence of blood stains, fecal spots, eggs cases and cast skins could be spotted.

In addition, a heavy infested area will also create an unpleasant door.

Bed Bug Control

Some people may lose sleep due to entomophobia (fear of bug). The main clues of an infestation will be the presence of  blood stains, reddish fecal spots.

Treatment Method

  • Sport spray and ULV misting to the breeding area.
  • Hiring a specialist to survey and set a better option.


  • Fossil evidence shows that they have existed almost unchange for more than 250 million years. Scientists believe that in a nuclear holocaust, cockroaches (and ants) will be the survivors-inheriting the earth long after the extinction of man.
  • Being amazingly adaptable and hardy, they can live and breed under hostile conditions. They are becoming increasingly resistant to conventional insecticides.
  • An egg capsule (otheca) can produce up to 42 cockroaches. Given ideal conditions, a pair of cockroaches can give rise as many as 20,000 of springs in one year.
  • Preferring a warm and moist habitat close to food sources, they congregate in crevices / drains near kitchen, rubbish chutes and toilets.


  • Being diseases-carrying pests, they pose a grave threat to our heart-capable of spreading diseases such as dysentery, diphtheria, typhoid, hepatitis and gastroenteritis.
  • Because they feed & breed in highly unsanitary environment (sewers, garbagedumps, drains), any food / untensil / surface which they are in contact with becomes contaminated.

Cockroaches  Control

Being disease-carrying pests, they pose a grave threat to our health-capable of spreading diseases such as dysentery, diphtheria, typhoid. Three main pest types: American Cockroach (Periplaneta Americana), German Cockroach (Blatella Germanica). Brown-Branded Cockroach (Supella Longipalpa)

Treatment Method

Cockroach control:
Residual insecticide spraying or gel baiting on all potential breeding area and harbourages.


Birds (class Aves) are feathered, winged, bipedal, endorthermic (warm blooded), egg-laying, vertebrate animals.

Although birds can spread germs to people, illness cause by touching or owning birds is rare. To best protect yourself from getting sick, thoroughly wash your hands with running water and soap after contact with birds or their droppings. Some people are more likely than others to get disease from birds. A person’s health and heart status may affect his or her immune system, increasing the chances of getting sicks. people who are more likely to get diseases from birds include infants, children younger than  5 years old, organ transplant patients, people with HIV/AIDS, and people being treated for cancer.

Ultrasonic Repeller

Bird Control

Birds can spread germs to people, illness caused by touching or owning bird.

Bird Spike

Bird Repellent Gel


Lizards are a wide spread group of squamate reptiles with more than 5600 species, ranging across all continents except Antarctica as well as most oceanic island chains. Lizards typically have feet and external ears, while snakes lack both of these characteristics. However, because they are defined negatively as excluding snakes, lizards have no unique distinguishing characteristic as a group.

Lizard Control

Lizards are widespread group of squamate reptile.

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